
blue cheveron

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Heading Towards the Homestretch

Things are looking good over at the homestead. Currently the house has been taken over by painters, so we are no longer allowed inside. That is unless you are wearing head to toe paint gear and a respirator. Here are a few picture of the progress.
This is a moment I captured of Joe and Karl trying to problem solve a cabinet error. (They have both assumed the problem solving stance)  Even though it was only an inch and a half, it was a little mistake that turned into a big problem. I have always known that construction management was a stressful job, but each time we do this I realize more how I would never want their job. Lots of problem solving to fix "urgent" issues. I will just stick to picking out tile.

Our beautiful White Macaubus quartzite countertops have been installed in the kitchen. The hardwood and tile floors are all in, as well as the other countertops. They will begin installing the backsplashes after the painters release the house back. Once the painters are done, we are on the homestretch!

The mill work is all trimmed out and ready for painting. This is the fireplace in the master bedroom.
The concrete has been poured to make our driveway, front porch and back patio.

Here is our back patio. This is one of the most exciting parts of the house for me. I can't wait to spend time out here with family and friends.
I used a piece of lumber I found in the wood scraps when they were framing the house to make the mantel above the fireplace. Olen helped me distress it more than it had been from being thrown in a scraps pile. Once we move in, I will coat it with polyurethane to help protected it from the weather and keep it's natural color.
And here is the kitchen after the 'inch and a half' problem was fixed and the cabinets were freshly painted.

Since this picture was taken, they have built the front porch railing and landscaped the front yard. I will take more pictures soon.
I can't believe this is almost our home!